Kol Ha'Am

Hebrew Edition

International Email: [email protected]

Hebrew Email:
[email protected]

Hebrew meaning:
Kol = Voice, Sound
Ha = The
Am (Amm) = People
Ha'Am = The people

Free, Independent, Shared and Open Journalism

Kol Ha’Am - The People's Voice, is an unfiltered stage for publishing all journalism and media materials, free of interest and obligations to the wealthy and politicians.

Kol Ha’Am is freedom-based, open, unite and equal stage to all religions, languages, sectors, and genders, for expressing and presenting ideas, opinions, investigations, researches, and debriefings.

Kol Ha’Am’s principle is similar to the Open Source paradigm of the software world – everyone welcomed to write and share. No one has copyright royalties except moral right (According to the Israeli Copyright law).

All visitors are eligible to use and share, royalty free, under the mandatory restriction to cite and credit the author and creators of the used material.

The domestic media is controlled by private ownerships with significant economic power, leading to biased reporting and opinions according to financial and political interests, and sometimes-personal conflicts, all influencing the public opinion.

In small/poor/non-effective democracy regime states, the press and the media controlled by handful of interest well-funded factors that hide the truth and genuine situation from the people, and usually severely restrict the freedom of speech.

The independent media weak, small scale, due to poor financial condition, usually financed by donations, and face major difficulties to conduct deep and thorough investigations, researches, and debriefings journalism:

  • You write.
  • You photo.
  • You film.
  • You record.
  • You investigate.
  • You respons.
    You are Kol Ha'Am - The people's Voice

Kol Ha'Am's role:

  • Keep and enforce effective journalism rules and ethics.
  • Allow stage for plural opinions and ideas.
  • Preserve the freedom of speech.
  • Inhibit abusing this offered stage.

Prioritized topics:

  • New and original point of view (not “recycling” nor “re-digesting” others ideas).
  • Original and thorough investigations, researches and debriefings articles and filmed reports.
  • Opinions well proofed and based according to journalism rules.


  • Writer can be anonymous or under pseudonym name, however, the author real name, after verification, and all materials, will saved in The People’s Voice press.

  • Material based on facts will published only after verification.
  • No Publish without prior application for reported factor response.
  • The author is responsible for having the contact information of the reported factor.

  • When needed, The People’s Voice will ask for the reported factor response.

  • Kol Ha'Am is shared and royalty free media. All Kol Ha'Am archive is free for use under the Terms of Use (To be Determined), mainly, citing and credits the moral copyright owner.